Anthony Hodson, Iva Tasheva

Cyber Resilience & Recovery

In this insightful interview, Iva Tasheva, cybersecurity expert and Co-founder of Cyen, speaks with Anthony Hodson, Senior Technology Strategist at Faptic Technology, about how to build a robust cyber resilience and recovery strategy. They dive into essential topics like high availability, disaster recovery, and testing—all while ensuring your business continues to thrive.Discover practical tips and strategies to safeguard your operations, recover from cyber threats, and maintain business continuity in today’s fast-paced digital world.

Interview with Anne Leslie

DORA implementation - tricks and traps with Stephan Hellmann

Cyen’s Iva Tasheva interviews Stephan Hellmann, CEO and Founder of NewBe, on the new EU Digital Operations Act (DORA) implementation in the financial sector ecosystem. Dive into practical insights and learn tricks and traps in DORA implementation. Questions dressed include: 1. How to start the DORA implementation? 2. How to manage blurred responsibilities in the organisation? 3. What is key for a successful DORA compliance project? 4. How to identify and secure the resources (people, time, budget) needed for DORA implementation? 5. Are there traps, common mistakes or misunderstandings our audience should avoid? 6. When can we say we have implemented DORA? What action, maybe audit, KPIs or objectives need to be met?

EU AI Act - What Was Agreed and How Companies Can Prepare for Its Implement

Iva Tasheva and Kai Zenner, Head of Office MEP Axel Voss, European Parliament delve into the European AI Act and its cybersecurity implications, especially for startups and SMEs. They explore the challenges posed by the Act, the significance of engaging with enforcement authorities, and the role of company networks in navigating cybersecurity regulations. Discover insights on regulatory sandboxes and potential relief for microcompanies. Stay tuned for an upcoming infographic and a follow-up meeting in August to further discuss these crucial topics.

Interview with Anne Leslie

DORA & Cyber Resilience: Objectives, Challenges and Opportunities with Anne Leslie

Iva Tasheva, Co-Founder and cybersecurity lead at CYEN, and Anne Leslie, Cloud Risk and Controls Leader EMEA at IBM Cloud for Financial Services, delve into the critical importance of cyber resilience for financial stability and societal outcomes. They emphasize the necessity for individuals, teams, and organizations to understand their roles within the cybersecurity ecosystem. The discussion extends to the challenges and opportunities in the financial sector, particularly regarding cyber resilience, the upcoming Digital Operation Resilience Act (DORA) in the EU, and the evolving role of cloud services in bolstering cyber resilience. The conversation highlights the intricate nature of information systems and cybersecurity, underscoring the need for collaborative efforts and the sharing of best practices. Additionally, the impact of the Network Security Directive on the industry is explored, shedding light on regulatory frameworks shaping cybersecurity practices.

European AI regulatory sandboxes - Myth or Reality? with Katerina Yordanova, KULeuven

Cyen’s Iva Tasheva interviews Katerina Yordonova, ICT Lawyer & Lecturer at KU Leuven University, on the topic of European AI regulatory sandboxes – Myth or Reality? In this insightful video, We delve into the complexities of European AI regulatory sandboxes and examine whether they are merely a myth or a tangible reality shaping the future of AI innovation and governance in Europe. Join us as we explore the key challenges, opportunities, and implications surrounding AI regulation in the European Union. Don’t miss this engaging discussion on the complexities of European AI regulation and its impact on the future of AI innovation and governance in Europe.

ENISA presents: NIS Investment Report 2023

Cyen’s Iva Tasheva interviews ENISA’s Athanasios Drougkas on the NIS Investment Report 2023. Questions include:
1. What are the trends of information security spendings in Europe?
2. How does this compare to the rest of the world?
3. Is the critical sector investing enough in cybersecurity?
4. What are the most surprising findings?
5. Where are the most spendings?
6. Are there significant gaps?
7. How do SME invest comparing to large organisations?
8. Have covered entities reached sufficient maturity in incident detection and response?
9. How do you expect the new NIS2 will impact the European cybersecurity investments?

Key Threats for the Medical Devices Industry: Takeaways from ENISA Health Threat Report 2023

Iva Tasheva, CYEN’s co-founder and cybersecurity lead, discussed emerging cybersecurity threats in the medical devices industry. She emphasised the importance of addressing software dependency supply chain, exploitation of legacy systems, and human errors. Iva highlighted the threat of abusive artificial intelligence, the deficiency of cybersecurity skills, and targeted attacks enhanced by information from smart devices. She concluded by stating that ransomware, supply chain attacks, and social engineering are the main cybersecurity threats against the health sector.

The EU cybersecurity regulatory framework for medical devices

With this short presentation we at CYEN will present to you the EU cybersecurity regulatory framework for the medical devices industry. You are a medical devices manufacturing company and you are wondering which laws you need to adhere to? This video is for you!

ISO27001 for the Medical Devices Industry: Benefits & Challenges

Are you a medical devices manufacturing company? Are you considering implementing the ISO27001 Standard for Information Security? Are you familiar with the benefits & challenges for implementing the Standard? In this video we will walk you through the key steps for ISO27001 Standard implementation, will share with you our experience and why it is worth having the Standard.


Securing Critical Infrastructure: Navigating Cybersecurity Challenges in SCADA Systems and Industrial IoT

In an conversation, our guest Dan Ehrenreich shares his expertise on the cybersecurity challenges associated with Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems. The dialogue extends to the rise of industrial IoT and the diverse strategies employed by companies, both large and small, to mitigate existing cyber threats. The focus is not only on familiar adversaries like ransomware but also on emerging concerns such as supply chain attacks, predicted to be at the forefront of cybersecurity threats in the coming years.


Does AI Pass the EU Cybersecurity Test?

In this interview, Iva Tasheva is in conversation with Rasma Araby, Managing Director at sec Information Security AB. Together, they explore the intriguing question of whether current developments in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) meet the standards set by EU cybersecurity measures. The discussion is contemplating whether the potential of AI is fully recognized and utilized in the realm of cybersecurity. Araby shares her valuable perspectives on whether AI poses a threat or an opportunity in this context. Join Cyen for this captivating dialogue that envisions the role of AI in shaping the future of cybersecurity over the next decade.

Software Supply Chain Security: Can the EU Cybersecurity Act Help?

In this interview, the spotlight is on the pressing issue of software supply chain security. Recent events, exemplified by the MOVEit attack, underscore the urgency of addressing supply chain vulnerabilities. The discussion revolves around whether the EU possesses the necessary tools to confront this challenge. The conversation extends to the potential contributions of the EU Cybersecurity Act and other relevant cybersecurity rules. Tune in for an informative session featuring guest Volkmar Lotz, as Cyen explores strategies to fortify software supply chains against emerging cyber threats.


Cybersecurity Awareness and Training

Cyen’s Iva Tasheva interviewed Ms. Rosanna Kurer, Managing Director, CyberWayFinder and Belgium’s Cybersecurity Personality of the Year 2021. We discussed why and how to create a cybersecurity awareness and training programme. Rosanna shares tips and tricks, where to start when creating cyber security awareness and training programs, the upskilling and reskilling options and where to find free materials and resources.

Cybersecurity in the GDPR

On 22.05.2023 Cyen’s Iva Tasheva and Eva Saeva celebrated 5 years since the GDPR came into force in 2018 and discussed the cybersecurity requirements in this landmark EU data protection law. They focused on the different technical & and organisational measures companies need to adopt to protect the personal data they store and process, and the different cybersecurity requirements each company needs to adhere to to comply with these measures.


Cybersecurity in the MDR and IVDR

On 31.07.2023 Cyen’s Iva Tasheva and Eva Saeva escribe the cybersecurity requirements under the Medical Devices Regulation (MDR) & the In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices Regulation (IVDR). They also touch upon the interrelation between the obligations under these two regulations and the other EU cybersecurity laws applicable to the health sector and the medical devices manufacturers.

Cyen hosted an online event ‘Sanctions in cyberspace: the EU and the US diplomatic approaches’



Cyen participates in Forum Europe/ECSO 9th Annual Cybersecurity Conference

On 24.03.2022, Co-founder and Cybersecurity Lead Iva Tasheva moderated a topical panel discussion on the EU Cybersecurity framework at Forum Europe / European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO) 9th European Cybersecurity Conference. Panellists included: MEP Eva Maydell (Paunova), Nina Hyvarinen, Thomas Boué & Vodafone‘s Javier Villegas-Burgos.

The panellists shared their critical assessment and expectations for the upcoming EU #CyberResilienceAct 

EU Digital Operational Resilience Act for the Financial Sector (DORA)

On 04.04.2023 Cyen’s Iva Tasheva and Eva Saeva discussed the DORA, the newly adopted EU Regulation on Digital Operational Resilience for the Financial Sector. The sector remains one of the most targeted by cybercriminals increasingly taking advantage of the cybersecurity risks posed by the supply chain.

The interview addressed the new requirements and obligations for entities within the scope of the new legislation, such as cyber resilience, ICT risk management, incidents reporting obligations, digital operational resilience testing, information sharing regarding cyber threats & incidents, and managing ICT 3rd party-related risks.


Interview On Belgium’s Cybersecurity Framework

On 07.03.2023 Cyen’s Iva Tasheva interviewed Valéry Vander Geeten, Senior Legal Officer and DPO at the Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium. We discuss the Belgian cybersecurity framework – present and future initiatives, including NIS2 implementation & the lessons learnt from NIS1. We discuss enforcement options, available cybersecurity frameworks and developing guidance, incident notification, and supply chain cybersecurity challenges. Tune in for more details about the newly adopted framework for reporting IT vulnerabilities in Belgium and what it means for companies, ethical hackers & security professionals. Further information is available in the comments..

Interview On Cyberbullying

On 07.02.2023 Cyen’s Iva Tasheva interviewed Janice Richardson, Exert to Council of Europe and published author on the topic of cyberbullying. One out of every five students reports being bullied and 60% of the bullying moves online – to become cyberbullying. The consequences for kids and young adults bullying could be devastating. This is a risk and problem for individuals, families, regions, and society. Janice shares her experience, discusses the challenges and trends, and how cyberbullying differs from traditional forms of bullying at that age. Janice shared her recommendations on preventing and reacting to cyberbullying and the most recent actions taken to address the issue at the European and Global levels.

Interview On Cybersecurity across the EU: Bulgaria

On 12.04.2023 Cyen’s Iva Tasheva interviewed Peter Kirkov, the Bulgarian National Cybersecurity Coordinator and Director of Network and Information Security Directorate at the Ministry of E-Government.

Mr. Kirkov analysed the current threat landscape and how it is seen from the Bulgarian perspective. He also shared an update on the transposition status of NIS2 and on what issues Bulgaria is ahead of the game compared to the other EU Member States. We also talked about the possibilities for SMEs in Bulgaria to gain access to programs and funding on how to tackle cybersecurity threats related to their businesses.

Interview On Cybersecurity Incident and Crisis Management

On 22.02.2023 Cyen’s Iva Tasheva interviewed Rasmus Theede, Senior Information Security Specialist.

Rasmus will share his experience with emblematic cybersecurity incidents, from the first global incident to the latest Danish trains interruption.

Interview On Cybersecurity Vulnerability Management

On 15.11.2022 Cyen’s Iva Tasheva interviewed Krasimir Kotsev, CEO and Founder, SoCyber &, on security vulnerability management.

Questions addressed include: What are the best practices in vulnerability management? Are there sector-specific particularities to take into account? – What would be the most significant challenges for companies to comply and demonstrate compliance with EU cybersecurity legislation? What should a company prepare for pentest or ethical hacking know? What is the key to the success of European security companies?

Interview On EU Funding for Cybersecurity

On 03.05.2023 Cyen’s Iva Tasheva interviewed Niels Tudor-Vinther.

He will share his insights on the many different opportunities for EU funding for cybersecurity. The interview will shed light on the different options for funding (for instance at EU vs national level, grants, tenders, co-financing, loans) and will give details on the pros and cons of each type of funding. Our expert will tell us more about the conditions for applying for EU projects and grants. Most importantly, we will offer companies insights on how to look for help take on their fundraising journey, the procedural steps to take and the key milestones to achieve.

Interview On Ransomware

On 15.12.2022 Cyen’s Iva Tasheva interviewed Patrick Wheeler, practitioner and executive cybersecurity transformation leader and a Director at CyberWayFinder.

On what to do when you fall victim to a ransomware attack. Questions addressed include: What to do when falling victim to a ransomware attack? Who can help you then – the government, law enforcement, experts, or community? Can you get your way out of the situation with communication? How to communicate with: attackers, the government, internally in the organisation, clients and the general public? To pay or not to pay? What are your current projects, and where can people follow your work?

Interview On The Cybersecurity Rules For Artificial Intelligence

On 22.07.2022 Cyen’s Iva Tasheva interviewed Kai Zenner, Head of Office of the Member of the European Parliament Axel Voss.

Kai shed light on the upcoming AI Act, what it is, and the key challenges in defining and implementing it. What does the AI Act mean for cybersecurity, how it fit in the complex EU legislative framework, and what companies could do about it? Hear out from the expert.

Interview on the EU Cybersecurity Competence Centre (ECCC)

Cyen’s Iva Tasheva interviewed Mr. Dan Cimpean, Board Member of the European Cybersecurity Competence Centre (ECCC) and Director of the Romanian National Cybersecurity Directorate. Mr Cimpean shared his vision on how to improve EU cybersecurity, specifically on the role of the upcoming ECCC (European Cybersecurity Competence Centre), and tips and trick on how to get involved in the process. Hear his recommendation on what should be the key EU policy priority.

Interview on the EU cybersecurity Directive (NIS and NIS2 proposal)

On 11 June, Cyen launched a series of interview sessions with the first honorary guest: Chris Gow, Cisco. Chris shared his expert analysis and advice on the EU cybersecurity Directive (NIS and NIS2 proposal).

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