Iva Tasheva VAGABOND Magazine


We are thrilled to announce that our co-founder and cybersecurity lead, Iva Tasheva, has been featured in Vagabond Magazine! In this insightful interview, Iva discusses the two major EU cybersecurity legislations coming into effect in 2024: DORA and NIS 2.

Iva Tasheva, iFX EXPO 2024 Cyprus

Iva Tasheva is set to be a featured speaker at the iFX EXPO International 2024 in Cyprus

Iva Tasheva is set to be a featured speaker at the iFX EXPO International 2024 in Cyprus, bringing her cybersecurity expertise to the forefront. She will deliver a compelling presentation titled “Securing the Future: Protecting the Pulse of FinTech,” addressing critical security measures for the financial technology sector. Her insights are poised to enlighten attendees on enhancing resilience and safeguarding their technological infrastructure.

Iva Tasheva moderated at the 11th Annual European Cyber Security Conference 2024 in Belgium

Cyen’s Iva Tasheva moderate a session at Forum Europe’s 11th Annual European Cyber Security Conference,  on 19 March in Brussels in the  Panel 3: Artificial Intelligence – Disrupting the cyber security landscape.

Iva Tasheva took a place as a panelist at the 2024 FAIR Institute Europe Summit

Cyen’s Iva Tasheva took a place as a panelist for the 2024 FAIR Institute Europe Summit on March 13th in the vibrant city of Paris.

Iva Tasheva Moderated a Panel in The European 5G Conference 2024

Cyen’s Iva Tasheva  moderated in  the discussion on the panel, Securing 5G – Ensuring safe, secure, and resilient European connectivity” at The European 5G Conference in Brussels on January 30, 2024.

Cyen’s Iva Tasheva was featured in Fortune Greece

We are honoured that Fortune Greece, reporter Maria Akrivou interviewed our own Iva Tasheva. Iva shared insights and facts on cybersecurity, how businesses can protect themselves, and the state of play in Greece and Europe.


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Av. de Woluwe Saint-Lambert 76, 1200 Woluwe Saint-Lambert

+32 493405612